7 Best Repairs to Make for A Return When Selling Your Home

Are you planning on selling your home and don’t know what repairs are worth making?  You don’t want to leave any money on the table by not doing improvements that are worth it and you certainly don’t want to waste money by over doing it.  By the time you are finished reading this blog you are going to know exactly what you will need to do to your home to get the most return.  Because let’s be real, we all want to get the most money possible.  Read to the end for the cheapest and one of the most effective improvements you can make.

One of the most important things sellers don’t realize when they list their home, is how the look or feel of their house will impact a buyer.  I’ve had buyers leave a newly built property and say they thought it was too dated simply because the furniture was old.  The furniture that doesn’t even come with the house!  Selling your home is literally like running a business.  If you are going to buy a car and when you see it, the paint is chipped, the tires are old and you open the door and it’s full of trash and disgusting, what are you going to do?  Not buy that car.  Let’s say for the sake of argument you still want to buy that car, there is no way you are going to pay list price or even close to it, am I right?  That car could even have a fair price you still aren’t going to pay it!  Now let’s say you take that same car and fix the paint chips, replace the tires, clean it out and clean it up.  When you get there this time, its beautiful and you know everyone is going to want it.  Suddenly, that list price seems more than fair, cheap even.  That’s how you need to look at selling your home.  You want it to look the best it can for the lowest amount out of your pocket.  The trick is you can’t over do it and you can’t under do it, the sweet spot is where you make the most money.

Now that you understand why it’s important to make a return on your home, I’m going to show you how.  Before we get into the repairs themselves, I am going to explain what you need to do to get started.  First things first, you need to take your emotion and preferences out of the equation.  Don’t look at it as being “your” house anymore.  You are going to have to make it appealing to all different types of people and generations.  The more people that like it, the more money you make.  If you see something in your house you don’t like, 9 times out of 10 a buyer won’t either and if it’s standing out change it as long as its not something huge.  Make sure you go the cheapest but on trend route with design changes.  You may not like that trend but it doesn’t matter anymore because you are selling it.  Also, don’t ever use high end materials, it will defeat the purpose of making money.  Try having a bunch of different people give you opinions on what they like and don’t like in your house.  Make sure you get people of different ages that have differing styles and don’t take offense to their suggestions, use them to make more money!  Finally, before you start have your real estate professional come to the house to make sure you are on the right track and there isn’t anything they would suggest doing differently.

Once you realize what you need to be looking for, you can take the suggestions I’m going to tell you about and pick which ones you are going to do. 

Number 1: Paint

Paint actually can encompass a bunch of different areas and reasonings.  First, you want neutral paint throughout and best to stick with lighter shades when in doubt.  Going back to the point of trying to appeal to all different types of people, lighter, neutral colors are the best way to do that.  And remember when you are standing in front of that bright red wall that you love?  Just paint it, it’s not going to be your house anymore!  Second, paint applies to damaged areas as well.  Did your dog claw up a door frame?  Did your kids Picasso on the wall?  Paint it.  Buyers notice these things and they will ding you for it.  Where do they ding you?  On their offer price.  Third, paint is important on the exterior of your home as well.  Make sure your deck stain or paint is not faded or chipped and that also applies to your trim, shutters and doors.  Think about it, what is a can of paint and a couple hours of your day compared to someone offering you $5000 less?

Number 2: Curb Appeal

Have you ever heard that saying, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover?”  Well people do and they are going to do it with your house.  So make sure you have fresh mulch, plant some flowers, weed the beds, trim bushes and pick up leaves.  Go as far as hanging some flower baskets or adding some potted plants.  Visually, the outside of your home is important because buyers are truly judging it while walking up.  This is also where paint comes into play with making sure the front door and shutters have fresh coats.

Number 3: Flooring

Having stained, smelly carpet is going to do nothing for you.  Especially, if it is a crazy color like green, maroon or blue.  It’s worth replacing.  $3000 worth of carpet could potentially save you from a $10,000 price reduction.  Flooring also falls into the category of hardwoods, vinyl and tile.  If its bad then replace it or get it refinished.  And with the tile if you have to replace it, try pricing out luxury vinyl plank as a possibly cheaper option. 

Number 4: Minor Upgrades

This category falls into small things like faucets or light fixtures.  If your home looks nice but you never got around to switching out the 1980’s chandelier in the foyer, do it.  If you still have all the cheap builders grade bath faucets, swap them out.  You would be amazed on how much it could change a room.

Number 5: Known Repairs

This could be anything from a roof leak to a hole in the drywall.  Any damage or problems a buyer sees, even if it’s old, they will automatically spin into a bigger issue.  Furthermore, when the buyer has a home inspection they are going to use it for negotiation power.  Both of those things are going to be less money for you.  For example, say you have a newer roof but it is leaking at the chimney.  Most likely it’s a simple flashing issue.  What is a buyer going to think?  It needs a new roof and the entire house is falling apart and now if this is an issue something else will be an issue.  See?  That’s how they spiral.

Number 6: Kitchen and Bathrooms

I’m not talking replacing.  I’m talking updating.  Your goal here is to take what you have and make it better.  If you have those standard oak cabinets that are in almost every house, have them painted.  Go to a home improvement store and buy a package of builders grade cabinet knobs and put them on.  If you have old, ugly appliances replace them with cheap stainless steel ones.  Maybe everything else looks great but your countertops are awful.  Have them replaced with an investor grade granite.  As far as bathrooms go the key is to work with what you have.  Say your entire bathroom is baby blue tile.  It’s not cost effective to gut your bathroom so lets make it look as good as possible.  Make sure your wall color is neutral but a color that compliments the bright blue.  Then, use everything else to tone it down through towels, shower curtain, bath mat and vanity.  If you change your vanity color to something that tones it down but is also trendy it will build the illusion that it’s not that bad or something a buyer can deal with.  Kitchens and bathrooms sell houses so the money is worth it here.

Number 7: De-Cluttering

Honestly, if you don’t have the budget to do anything else this could work wonders.  Do not skip this step!  It doesn’t matter what you have going on in your house that’s nice, if the buyers can’t see it past your belongings, it won’t matter!  Get a dumpster and a storage unit and clear it out!  I always tell sellers you have to move anyway, this just makes it that much faster.  When people see shoes piled by the door and closets stuffed to the brim they think, “this house is small and I won’t have any room for my stuff!”  When the basement is piled to the ceiling with boxes they are going to think there is no storage and they will outgrow the house.  So don’t let them see it!  Buyers don’t want to see your massive collection of dolls or figurines so take it out.  Make sure you scale down but don’t over do it.  You want the house to still seem like a home. 

Now to recap:

1.       Paint

2.       Curb Appeal

3.       Flooring

4.       Minor Upgrades

5.       Necessary Repairs

6.       Kitchen and Bathrooms and finally

7.       Decluttering

Now that you know the best repairs to make when selling your home you should read my next blog, “What Does it Cost to List My House For Sale and What is the Process?”

Are you getting ready to list your property and you have no idea what the cost is or where to start?  Selling your home is already stressful enough so I will explain everything you need to do and what you will need to pay to get your house on the market so you can relax and wait for offers.

If you have any questions at all about any of the information I have covered in this blog or anything related to real estate in general, please don’t hesitate to reach out! 


What Does it Cost to List Your House and What Is the Process?


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