3 Ways to Know When A House Is Right For You

One of the biggest questions first-time home buyers have, is how will I know when I find the right house?

Ending up with the wrong house can be a scary thought but making sure you find “the one” can be easier than you think.  I am going to go over all the ways you can make sure you are picking the house for you, so you can be happy with your choice and enjoy it for years to come. 

Stay to the end so you can hear my most important tip.


First, “knowledge is power,” is one of my favorite quotes and I feel this is key when buying your first home. 

The more knowledge you have about the homes you are looking for, the more confident you will be in knowing you’re choosing the right one.  Educate yourself on the market and make sure you are reviewing every home that is listed within the criteria you are looking for.  Try to start doing this for about 3 months before you are ready to buy.  This way you are fully educated once you seriously start looking and will know what type of home you can get for the price.  You will be able to spot potential deals or know when a house has a special feature you have never seen before.  This will stop you from settling on a house just because you think it might be ok or allow you to know if something better might come on the market down the road. 

Second, making sure your finances are in order is another way to help you pick the right one.

There is a saying that you never want to be “house poor” and it couldn’t be truer.  Having a well-thought-out budget including utilities, groceries, debts and other expenses will help you make sure you’re not biting off more than you can chew.  You also need to make sure you have enough for an emergency fund to start and feed, every month.  No matter how nice a house is, or how new a system is (like a furnace or hot water heater), it can still go bad and you need to make sure you can handle it.  Some important questions to ask are, what are the rough monthly utility costs for the home you are looking at, is trash service included, is there an HOA, etc?  Also ask about the systems of the house itself, like how old is the furnace or roof, so you know how much money you would have to have if you needed to replace it quickly. 


Third, it just comes down to a feeling.

Almost always you will know when a house is “the one” as soon as you walk through the door.  It shouldn’t take any convincing and you should never feel pressure to buy a house.  When it’s the right one you will just know and it could be the first house you see or the 50th, I’ve seen it all.  Sometimes, after looking at a ton of houses, you won’t ever feel that.  Maybe it’s just not the right time for you to buy and that’s ok.  Buying a home is a huge decision and your body will tell you when you’re making the right one.  I have been doing this for 17 years now, and I assure you I see it each and every time.  If you don’t get excited and happy walking through the door, it’s not for you.  If you remember anything, remember this, no one should ever be trying to talk you into buying a house or you should never have to try to talk yourself into buying.  The second that happens, you need to walk away.  Everything happens for a reason and sometimes you might not get a house you thought you got a feeling with.  I assure you a better one will be waiting for you so don’t get discouraged. 

So, to make sure you get the house of your dreams:

1. Do your research and educate yourself on the market. 

2. Have a budget in place as well as an emergency fund account

3. Make sure you get a genuine feeling. 

Now that you know when a house is going to be right for you, you need to watch my previous video, on how to start the first-time home-buying process.

Buying your first home can be very scary and overwhelming so make sure you watch and I will show you all the steps you need to take to start the process of buying your first home.  This way you can be prepared and confident in starting your purchase.    

If you have any questions about the information I have covered in this video or just anything related to real estate in general, please don’t hesitate to reach out!




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