The average sale price for a home in Harford County is $373,814 but keep in mind that is the average across all areas. To make things even more confusing that price is up, from this time last year, at $342,143 in October of 2022 but it is also up from $354,911 in September of this year. This is the first increase in the average sale price we have seen in the past couple of months and it was a pretty decent increase. So why are we seeing an increase in the months of inventory available but also seeing a large increase in the average sale price that we haven’t seen for a couple of months now? So if I had to guess I’m thinking it might be a culmination of things I talked about last month. I think the rising interest rates and the slump in the economy might be finally lowering our pool of buyers. I think homes you would see first-time homebuyers purchase are starting to increase due to the lowering amount of buyers. Something to remember is that these numbers encompass all of Harford County. Therefore, I think there are still pockets that people buy in because there is such a low amount of inventory, such as northern Harford County. That could explain the increase in the average sale price because the homes that people are buying are at higher price points because of still being low in inventory. But only time will tell on how this continues. This still might be a great time to take advantage as a buyer though.