10 Simple Tips For Making Your Home Stand Out in Real Estate Photos

Your home's real estate pictures are the first thing a buyer is going to see and how they look will make or break if they will want to come tour it or not. 

Getting your property ready to sell can be overwhelming but paying attention to details will ensure you get top dollar.  I will show you how to make your house look perfect for the photographer so people are seeing your home in the best light possible.  Read until the end to hear the details on what you need to know about the photographer.

Making sure your home is ready for pictures before the photographer gets there is important for several reasons. 

  • First, the photographer most likely isn’t going to wait around for you to pick up or move things around.  They usually charge by square footage so they are going to want to get through as quickly as possible.  You want everything to be perfect before they get there. 

  • Next, you want to have a plan and a checklist on how to get your house ready for photos.  You don’t want to wait until the last second and be aimlessly running around the house.  If you are rushing you probably won’t notice something doesn’t look right until after the pictures are finished.  So to fix it, you will need to do a reshoot which will be expensive and time-consuming especially if you are trying to get the house on the market.  Simple things really stand out in photos.  You want to get it right the first time. 

  • Finally, these photos are going to be the decision maker for a buyer, to see your house or not.  The more stunning they look the more people that will want to come see it. 

So let’s get into it.

Step 1: Clean

Make sure the house is cleaned from top to bottom.  Higher-end cameras pick up everything so you will see dust or dirt on the carpet.  Vacuum and mop and get rid of any streaks or fingerprints on appliances or glass. 

Step 2: Declutter

Have everything off the counters that isn’t decorative.  This includes small appliances in the kitchen, magnets on the fridge, too many pictures and excessive knick knacks or collections.  Nightstands should only have minimal items and not products or tissues.  If you have video games or DVDs in your family room hide them somewhere out of sight.  Kids' toys shouldn’t be in any room but theirs.  You don’t want people to realize there is not a dedicated playroom.  Kids' toys should also be minimal in their rooms.  Bag up the excess and stick them in the closet for the time being.  Too many will distract from the size of the room. 

Step 3: Lighting

Make sure all light bulbs are working and that they are all the same color.  Soft or warm light bulbs are the best for photography.  All lights should be turned on and all fans and TVs turned off.   Blinds should be opened all the way and all curtains opened.  Natural light is best to make your photos look good. 

Step 4: Hide Everyday Living Items

Remove all garbage cans throughout the house.  No one wants to see garbage cans and this is especially true if you don’t have a really good place to keep one.  Hide noticeable cords or cable lines as well as any pet items.  Dog beds and water bowls should be hidden in closets.  Cat litter boxes should be out of sight. Roll up any excess rugs or mats and put them away.  Open floors usually show better in pictures. 

Step 5: Curb Appeal

You should have mulch in your flower beds and bushes and lawn trimmed.  Leaves should be removed and sidewalks and porches swept clean.  Hang flower baskets or put out flower pots.  Everyday items should be in a shed or hidden like kids' toys or lawn equipment.  Any patio or deck furniture should be staged like you were getting ready to have people over.  Cushions should be out and straight and umbrellas out.  Everything should be power washed and ready to go. 

Step 6: Hide Cars

No cars or motorcycles should be in the driveway or garage.  Move everything down the street or ask to move them into a neighbor's driveway until the photos are over.  This is especially important if you are getting drone videos or photography because they will stand out like a sore thumb.

Step 7: Clear Sinks

Nothing should be in your sinks or even around them.  Put all dirty dishes in the dishwasher or away and clear any soap dispensers or sponges.  If you have a drying rack put it in a cabinet so everything looks clean and minimal.

Step 8: Beds

Make sure all beds are made and look like they came out of a catalog.  They should be smoothed as well because wrinkles really stand out in pictures.  Make sure sheets or blankets aren’t hanging out of the bottom of the bed either and that your bedspread is even on both sides.  If you have kids and they have a million stuffed animals put them all in a bag and in their closet for photos.  Bright colors and large groupings of things cause people to think a house is unkempt. 

Step 9: Bathrooms

Make sure all toilet lids are closed and remove all trash cans, toilet brushes, plungers, toilet covers, soap dispensers toothpaste, and toothbrush holders.  If your shower is going to be in the photos clear out all shampoo bottles and loofahs.  There shouldn’t be anything left in there.  If your shower or tub is not really a selling point get a nice shower curtain and have it closed.  Just make sure it touches the ground and is even. 

Step 10: Swimming Pools

If you have a swimming pool try your best to have it opened and cleaned.  This is also a great place to stage so people can really see how great it would be to have a pool.  Maybe get a statement float to have in there or sometimes floating lights could look cool.  Make buyers want to have it.  If it is wintertime and it's closed just make sure the cover and surrounding patio look super clean.  If there are piles of leaves or water get it cleared off before photos. 

Once you have your home ready for pictures you will also need to know a couple of details about the photographer.

  • First, the photographer will probably be at your house for an hour or two depending on the size.  If they are doing video or drone work it could take up to three or four hours. 

  • Second, your shoot will depend on the weather.  The photographer can’t get good shots if it's raining or super overcast.  Just be prepared for possible reschedules. 

  • Lastly, once you greet your photographer and agent make sure you are ready to leave while the photos are being taken.  As much as you will try you most likely will be in the way and distract them.  If a photographer is annoyed or feels pressure they are just going to hurry to get finished instead of focusing on the shots.  This is especially important if you have pets.  You will want to take them with you as well.  Cats or other small animals need to be put in a room that isn’t going to be photographed. 

Now you should be 100% ready to have your home looking like a million bucks, so you can ensure that you are getting the attention of every buyer on the market.  If you need some detailed tips on how to declutter your home for pictures you should watch my other video, “How to Declutter Your Home and Increase Its Value.” 

One of the most important things you can do to get your house ready for sale is to declutter.  Decluttering can be a very overwhelming and time-consuming process so I will give you tips and tricks so you can get your home in show-ready condition without wanting to give up. 

If you have any questions regarding the information in this blog or just anything related to real estate in general please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Harford County Maryland, Real Estate Market Update June 2023


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